Why DevOps Is Important: What Value Can DevOps Add To Your Business

Why DevOps is necessary is an overwhelming question. As people have seen, many top-rated global companies are trying out this method. In a nutshell, DevOps is the junction that allows the developer and operations teams to work together within an outstanding harmony. From beginning to end, it revolves around the end-to-end engineering phase. That’s how […]

What Is DevOps (Meaning Underneath The Magic Word)

We are not going to make you uncomfortable by asking, “what is DevOps?”. Instead of that, it is wise to ask, have you heard this term before? Whether the answer is Yes or No, you are going to discover something incredible today. Imagine you are sitting in a boat in the middle of the river […]

12 Top Fitness And Healthcare Websites: UI/UX Analysis

People nowadays are more and more concerned about their fitness and healthcare. We know that worldwide the public awareness rate on health crossed another milestone during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Every day, people are browsing through the internet for quality information and health tips. And as time flows, the demand for authentic and informative health sites has […]

How To Build An E-commerce Empire?

Would you like to build an e-commerce empire? Are you looking for the key to success? Then, there is no doubt you are in the right place. Online selling opportunities helped many businesses to earn more money and popularity. Also, it is the best way to grow your business by following the latest trends. But […]

How Does Having A Website Can Help Your Business

Have you ever thought of making a website that pushes your business virtually? Sadly, a small group of people will deny it as they don’t see any value in having one. Even more importantly, the updated statistics from small business websites show that around 34% of miniature business owners do not have a website. On […]

Web Design vs. Web Development- What’s The Difference?

There is an ongoing debate on web design vs. web development as a career. And it doesn’t seem like being ending anytime soon. At least, not with people who don’t get the difference between web design and web development. Even I knew nothing before I took my first CS class. And most people are in the same […]

Importance of a website for business (A data-driven study)-9 Facts

The lockdown made businesses realize the importance of a website. Your business needs to have an online presence now more than ever. Because people stuck at home can’t go out and find it for themselves. The only option they have is to look it up online. And yet, 40-50% of businesses don’t have a website. […]